Thursday, May 29, 2008

Response to Dori Post

Dori, I agree but when it comes to politics, it is a very touchy subject. It is great to see an African American and a woman running for the campaign. I do however agree there are some sexist comments being presented against the woman deligate. To me, no matter how educated women are this day and age, there is always some sort of bias in every way we look at it.
May 29, 2008 6:55 PM

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

response to professor post

Yes, I can not wait to see Sex in the City! The women in this movie humor me in many ways. It is okay for guys to act in such ways, but again women are judged by their actions. Music can be very stereotypical when it comes to women. If you look at the videos, there are women being degraded and used for their bodies. These women are probably very educated but all we see are sexual contents. I really think there is a way to get messages across in ways that are not provocative. As you can see, i am not a big fan of videos that do not show women in ways that are respectful with dignity.

May 28, 2008 5:43:00 PM PDT

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Week 3 blog Sexual Assult and Harrassment

I think this is a topic that men and women do not like to discuss. To me, it is important and should be brought to light. What do you think about first degree rape being limited meaning that forced anal or oral intercourse are not considered first degree rape, (Wood pg 286)? In my opinion unwelcomed and forced sex is RAPE regardless. Do you know someone who was rapped or sexually assaulted, what have you done?? I do and it is not a comforting feeling. There is nothing that you can say or do to push that individual to file a complaint or just talk about it. It is difficult to see or be in someone's life when you are helpless. Why does rap occur? Why is NO just not enough??

Sexual harassment occurs in the workplace more that you know it because a lot of harassment goes unreported. The is a fear of retaliation, demotion, or pure shame which are some of the reasons silence happens. Sexual harassment is unwelcomed verbal or non-verbal behavior that links academic or professional success to sexual favors or that interferes with work or learning (Wood, PG 295). Have you ever walked in a hallway, either in work or school, and a sexual comment is stated? Do you laugh it off and walk away? Is it reported to someone? If the answer is no, think again. If we continue to allow this to happen, men or women, the assailants will continue to mark their prey on others unless a stop is placed on it immediately.

Sexual assault and harassment is no laughing matter, this can be a matter of life and death depending on how the individual takes to these actions. In my opinion, we all have a duty to report any unwelcomed behaviors, if not for us, then for others!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Men in control at meetings

Why are men always trying to be in control at meetings??? Honestly, I feel men are on a power and control trip. The men tend to direct the conversations, define the topics and interrupts constantly. According to Wood, men generally exceed women in non-verbal efforts to exert control. Men tend to use greater volume to be heard and stronger influences for their ideas. To me, this is frustrating when meetings are for everyone to collaborate together and share ideas. When there is a dominate control, not much is accomplished and goals are not set and attained. To me, women have come a long way in the corporate industry and we deserve a fair chance!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mother and Father

To me, there is a difference between the 2 genders of mother and fathers. Today, I had a parent teacher conference with the teacher, my daughters father, and myself (mind you, my daughter is 4). So as the conference started, the teacher went over the report performance and I had a lot of questions as to how my daughter is progressing. My daughter's father did not have any questions and just laid back. I wanted to know it all and ask any questions to ensure I know her daily activities and how she is progressing in school. Also, it is imperative that I know what needs to happen during the summer months while it is play time in school. I think that fathers, not all, put a lot on the mothers to know what the child is doing and what needs to be done. Also, since my daughter is a girl, she is like the softer one and she is a little princess to him. Man, it would be nice for them to take the lead sometimes and just let me sit back.