I think this is a topic that men and women do not like to discuss. To me, it is important and should be brought to light. What do you think about first degree rape being limited meaning that forced anal or oral intercourse are not considered first degree rape, (Wood pg 286)? In my opinion unwelcomed and forced sex is RAPE regardless. Do you know someone who was rapped or sexually assaulted, what have you done?? I do and it is not a comforting feeling. There is nothing that you can say or do to push that individual to file a complaint or just talk about it. It is difficult to see or be in someone's life when you are helpless. Why does rap occur? Why is NO just not enough??
Sexual harassment occurs in the workplace more that you know it because a lot of harassment goes unreported. The is a fear of retaliation, demotion, or pure shame which are some of the reasons silence happens. Sexual harassment is unwelcomed verbal or non-verbal behavior that links academic or professional success to sexual favors or that interferes with work or learning (Wood, PG 295). Have you ever walked in a hallway, either in work or school, and a sexual comment is stated? Do you laugh it off and walk away? Is it reported to someone? If the answer is no, think again. If we continue to allow this to happen, men or women, the assailants will continue to mark their prey on others unless a stop is placed on it immediately.
Sexual assault and harassment is no laughing matter, this can be a matter of life and death depending on how the individual takes to these actions. In my opinion, we all have a duty to report any unwelcomed behaviors, if not for us, then for others!
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Rachel, sexual harassment that I think everyone can relate to either personally or to someone they know. I too can name countless times that I have been approached at work because of something I had on and a comment being made to upset me. I feel like there is a lot of gender intimidation that I have felt that has prevented me from reporting the harassment (p285) I don’t know I just don’t want to be the one to stand up and say anything because in the media when I see a woman standing up for herself she seems to be put in a position to feel miserable. Even though the attention is not wanted the woman is made to feel like she did something wrong when she reports it. I know we say this is something that needs to not be tolerated but no one person wants to go against everyone and then be label as trouble maker. It just seems easier to just brush it off and keep it moving. I know some may feel that is this approach is the wrong one but I know more people take this approach then not. If we were better protected and really felt like there would not be some form of retaliation then I don’t think the stigma of reporting harassment would be what it is now.
It is true, if woman had more protection, we would not be scared to report those that are harassing in the workforce. To me, it is difficult to deal with as I am not sure what to say at times but like all others, I keep it to myself. I know that is not the right thing to do but like you said, I do not want to be classified as a trouble maker or running to the human resource department all the time.
I wish that a male student in our class had responded to this post. It seems to be an issue because it is one primarily talked about by woman. But, I am wondering if that if it is an issue that only woman deal with? Or, are there men who have experienced sexual harrassment? Does our culture discourage men from speaking up about it? Is our culture still so shallow that it is a macho thing to brag about over powering a woman in someway? What gender stereotypes or confused gender expectations might be coming into play in these situations?
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