Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Final Post

Although blogging was a pain in the beginning, it came to be 2nd nature after the first rough week. I actually like it now! It is better than a myspace or something of that nature. How about that?? How about all of the young children that are in myspace and the parents are either not involved or are oblivious to what their children are doing on the computer. My daughter is only 4 and alreay knows how to work a computer. She does all the education games on the computer to stimulate her brain besides all the other stuff she gets at school or home. To me, those websites are all trouble and make children experience things quicker than normal. Children now-a-days are already advanced in many areas but why do we need to encourage or allow them to experience the crazy internet world??? When I was young we had a word processor, that was the closest to coming to a computer. Now these children have it all and there is more to come as we become more advanced in the technology era!

Response to Dori

Blogger Rachel said...


Every year when the hot weather hits this happens to a child. I can not imagine how a child is feeling as their body temperature rises and there is no one to help. Every time I see these, let alone all the other things that happen to young and innocent children, I cry. Honestly, I am not sure what to think about this subject. We will all have our opinion on what we think whether it was negligence or just forgetfulness. I can tell you, after I had my baby, I would freak out and ask myself "did I drop her off at daycare" and start to freak out. i think some of it was from post-partum and the rest of it was from not having a child that I had to care for and understanding the responsibility. NO, I never forgot about her but is was a thought. I just feel so bad for the child that had no way out and no one to help!

June 24, 2008 6:58 PM

Response to Johanna

Blogger Rachel said...


WOW! I can really relate to your blog. Having children is scary but doing the best and providing the best care for your child/ren is another thing. It is very scary to be a parent to make sure you are not exposing your child to harmful things or having them watch certain TV shows. To me, parenting is not a skill it is a learning tool, there is no book on how to be a good parent. Just know that you will make mistakes and you will not make the best decisions at times, but the thing you do know is to love your child, be there for them, protect them as much as you can and just be a mother and a friend (to a certain extent). Remember, what we see or hear on TV is only a percentage of children, it is not all of them. Have a positive outlook on children and it will make things a whole lot better!

June 24, 2008 6:47 PM

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Response to Daphne

Blogger Rachel said...


I agree this class has really opened my eyes to view things differently but this is one thing that is hard for me to swallow. The norm is to see a man working and the woman being home. The man is to take care of the family and I am a huge believer of men financially taking care of the family. Although women are now getting more education, I still feel that men are to take on the stability for the family role. There are many things that I have learned but this one is so hard for me to digest.

June 19, 2008 8:29 PM

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Response to Jennifer S

Blogger Rachel said...

Jennifer S,

I know that this occurs but it is normally not broadcasted. There was this girl on America's Next Top Model and this mutilation happened when she was young and did not have a choice. It was so sad to see what she was struggling with and something that she deals with every day. There are some women that die and bleed to death for these procedures. Women have such a dignity to uphold and to stand by their men. What I think about is what do the men sacrifice for the women???? Women are working their way up in the corporate world (perfect example Hilary) and we will soon exceed men! I hope I am still alive to see that happen. To me, it will be fairly soon. Maybe we should do a Loraine Bobbit on those men that cheat on women?? maybe that is a little harsh?? sorry

June 18, 2008 9:44 PM

Respone to Lakisha


It is funny to actually sit back and think about this. Today, I do everything, cook, clean, take out the trash, wash the car, etc... but there are a lot of times I say, this is a man's job. It really is a humans job regardless of gender/sex because it HAS to be done! As a women, I do not feel I am exempt from anything except hating the fact that we have to squat over the toilet and the men get to stand. Really that is all I envy men for. All other things, i can do on my own!

June 18, 2008 9:37 PM

Response to Professor

Rachel said...


Honestly, I would have never thought about the cartoon this way until I read your blog. I too have a 4 year old and she LOVES Dora and the princesses. I really enjoy watching Dora with her, to me it is interesting. Now that you put another spin on it and related it to gender, I really like her. She allows little girls to think they can do anything they want and take the lead. Also, they learn a different language, Spanish. To me it fuels their mind and allows the children to be achievers!
My daughter is the little boss in the class telling everyone what to do and trying to be a leader. It is funny because a lot of little boys like to watch Dora and vice versa where a lot of little girls like Diego. At this young age, in my opinion, I do not want my child to act as a girl or do girlie things. I want her to do what she wants whether it is masculine or feminine and have fund doing whatever she chooses. Sesame Street now has a lot of different characters that many children can relate to or like regardless of gender. Look at Elmo!! Everyone likes him!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Who are we as a society or Americans???

Why are we always so judgmental? Why do we stare? Why is society always so one sided sometimes?? As men and women, we all have a voice but it is how we use it and express our feelings. (pg 314) Wood states, as women and men, you can affect what society expects of and admits in each sex. The past is what we can learn from and the future is how we can change and educate others. Today, I was out to dinner with someone and they made a comment that bothered me. This person said "look at him, he is flaming!" My first reaction was like SO. Is is you, why do you care what someone sexual preference is.????? It is not your life. There are so many colors, opinions, feelings, cultures in this world that we are not and will all never be the same. But the one thing I know is that the stereotypes, staring, UN-education will still exist unless this generation changes the views of many others. We According to Wood, (313) the future is open!!!! Education and learning is everything! Whether you are gay, straight, transgender, we are all still humans no matter what and should be treated with respect and dignity!

Friday, June 13, 2008

response to Daphne

Rachel said...
Daphne, it is 2008 and I also agree that it is still a man's world. WHY? Because there is still a glass ceiling that women are still under. This democratic race was so intersting to see a strong independent woman stand up for her rights. Although she did not win, to me it is still a gain. It shows that the women movements are powerful and allowing us all to have a voice!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Men VS Women

Why are there so many differences between men and women? I think that we need both qualities from each gender to be a strong man or woman. In order for women to get their communication and understanding to men, they develop women's movements to be heard. This, to me, is the best way to engage more women and allow men to look outside the box and support women on different aspects. I know someone who was physically beaten by a guy on numerous occasions, but she felt as if there was no escape. She had no one to talk to and when she did, especially to men, their question was, What did you do to make him upset?" Is that a valid question to ask to a women that lives in violence in her own home??? Women groups allow them to come alive and share their stories. This is something that should continue for a lifetime as along as it does not jeopardize relationships with men and heal the pains women feel instead of placing a patch over the wound.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Response to Daphne

Blogger Rachel said...


Thanks for sharing this blog! It is very touching and I think we all had this type of run in with a man. It is hard to say that men should not cry. I can tell you that I was with someone that cried all the time and it was the most annoying thing sometimes but it allowed me to see his sensitive side and see that he is truly a human with feelings. I think it is the up-bringing that individuals go through because I have seen many men go through some dramatic situations but never shed one emotion. To me, crying is a healing and you have to let it out once in a while.

June 9, 2008 8:48 PM

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Rachel said...
WOW! You sure have an intersting job and I would have never known it was that intense but appreciate the balance between the 2. I really think that if corporate America was like the tests, we would all be in a better place. But the glass ceilings still exist for women and it will take many more years to break through them. But we are making some progress!
June 5, 2008 7:26 PM

Response to Jennifer

Rachel said...
Jennifer, I think becasue of all the stereotypes women are classisifed in, it is hard for men to accept or understand our accomplishments. The same thing happens to me and the position that I hold at work. Men approach me and ask my position and how I got there. HELLO, it is hard work, not sexual relations to get me there. Sometimes I gave to think, is this 2008?? Are people really stuck in the ages where women are to be home barefoot and bearing children! No, we are independent women, just like Beyonce would say in her song! Love it!!!
June 5, 2008 7:07 PM

Response to Professor

Rachel said...
WOW Professor! thanks for sharing!Where do I start??? I have a daughter (as you can see) and I was not married but engaged. Althoug, we were a couple, that status can change with a blink of the eye. That can include death, separation, etc.. where the child will be affected. So to me, regardless of the situation, it is about LOVE that people are able to bring and share. Who cares if you are gay or single, that is the new fad now! Being gay does not change the person it is what they want to do, whether a preference or a belief, it is their life. Who is anyone to judge someone becasue of their sexual preference. I do want to have more kids, when I find the right person which hopefully will be for life, and adopt as well. I think there are too many children that need homes and there are loving people out there to give it to the kids!
June 5, 2008 6:58:00 PM PDT

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Week 4 Post Relationships

This week we learned about the meaning of personal relationships and this really allowed me to thing about relationships. (page 210) Wood gives a definition of personal relationships meaning those in which partners depend on each other for various things from affection to material assistance. This is a hard thing for me because I am so independent. (All women say they are, but I really am!) I do not like to rely on anyone (let alone my family) to help me in any way. Partners or companionships are hard to come by only because trust is such a hard thing.

I have 3 real friends that I can rely on and can tell anything to. These women have changed my life in many ways that i can not describe! People come in and out of your life for certain reasons, and i really believe that. I have 1 friend that is moving away and I am going to miss her dearly. She is one that i can call about anything, although she can sometimes have a smart mouth, she is a friend that everyone would want. We have shared so many experiences together it is going to be hard to let her move on. Although I know this may be the best thing for her, this is where my selfishness comes in, she will be just a phone call away.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Response to Dori Post

Dori, I agree but when it comes to politics, it is a very touchy subject. It is great to see an African American and a woman running for the campaign. I do however agree there are some sexist comments being presented against the woman deligate. To me, no matter how educated women are this day and age, there is always some sort of bias in every way we look at it.
May 29, 2008 6:55 PM

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

response to professor post

Yes, I can not wait to see Sex in the City! The women in this movie humor me in many ways. It is okay for guys to act in such ways, but again women are judged by their actions. Music can be very stereotypical when it comes to women. If you look at the videos, there are women being degraded and used for their bodies. These women are probably very educated but all we see are sexual contents. I really think there is a way to get messages across in ways that are not provocative. As you can see, i am not a big fan of videos that do not show women in ways that are respectful with dignity.

May 28, 2008 5:43:00 PM PDT

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Week 3 blog Sexual Assult and Harrassment

I think this is a topic that men and women do not like to discuss. To me, it is important and should be brought to light. What do you think about first degree rape being limited meaning that forced anal or oral intercourse are not considered first degree rape, (Wood pg 286)? In my opinion unwelcomed and forced sex is RAPE regardless. Do you know someone who was rapped or sexually assaulted, what have you done?? I do and it is not a comforting feeling. There is nothing that you can say or do to push that individual to file a complaint or just talk about it. It is difficult to see or be in someone's life when you are helpless. Why does rap occur? Why is NO just not enough??

Sexual harassment occurs in the workplace more that you know it because a lot of harassment goes unreported. The is a fear of retaliation, demotion, or pure shame which are some of the reasons silence happens. Sexual harassment is unwelcomed verbal or non-verbal behavior that links academic or professional success to sexual favors or that interferes with work or learning (Wood, PG 295). Have you ever walked in a hallway, either in work or school, and a sexual comment is stated? Do you laugh it off and walk away? Is it reported to someone? If the answer is no, think again. If we continue to allow this to happen, men or women, the assailants will continue to mark their prey on others unless a stop is placed on it immediately.

Sexual assault and harassment is no laughing matter, this can be a matter of life and death depending on how the individual takes to these actions. In my opinion, we all have a duty to report any unwelcomed behaviors, if not for us, then for others!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Men in control at meetings

Why are men always trying to be in control at meetings??? Honestly, I feel men are on a power and control trip. The men tend to direct the conversations, define the topics and interrupts constantly. According to Wood, men generally exceed women in non-verbal efforts to exert control. Men tend to use greater volume to be heard and stronger influences for their ideas. To me, this is frustrating when meetings are for everyone to collaborate together and share ideas. When there is a dominate control, not much is accomplished and goals are not set and attained. To me, women have come a long way in the corporate industry and we deserve a fair chance!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mother and Father

To me, there is a difference between the 2 genders of mother and fathers. Today, I had a parent teacher conference with the teacher, my daughters father, and myself (mind you, my daughter is 4). So as the conference started, the teacher went over the report performance and I had a lot of questions as to how my daughter is progressing. My daughter's father did not have any questions and just laid back. I wanted to know it all and ask any questions to ensure I know her daily activities and how she is progressing in school. Also, it is imperative that I know what needs to happen during the summer months while it is play time in school. I think that fathers, not all, put a lot on the mothers to know what the child is doing and what needs to be done. Also, since my daughter is a girl, she is like the softer one and she is a little princess to him. Man, it would be nice for them to take the lead sometimes and just let me sit back.